Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Taking the Mystery out of PPC

Photo Credit: roi.com.au
Acronyms are supposed simplify terms, but with so many to remember in the digital marketing field (PPC, SEM, SEO) it can be a bit dizzying.

PPC and SEM are one and the same:
Pay Per Click (PPC) is a simple concept. The ads at the top and along the right column of every search page are paid spots. The companies they feature pay for each click through. The amount the companies spend is controllable. While simple in concept it is not simple in practice. It is easy to underspend. And equally easy to overspend on the wrong things. Both are the equivalent of burning money.

And then there is the bidding issue... There are a limited number of effective keywords and phrases for doctors using digital media to take advantage of. Search engines give preferential position to the highest bidder for each term. If you get caught in a bidding war over an ineffective set of search terms, again flame meet money.

Return on Investment (ROI) is in the details:

Yep, another acronym. If you have been following our series Strategic SEO for Doctors, you are well versed in the importance of using effective targeted keywords for your website and social media. This is true 10x over for PPC campaigns:
  • You need targeted key phrases that are consistently used by prospective patients who are ready to set appointments, engage in live chat, etc.
  • You want your ads to appear specifically to users in the geographic area you pull your patient base from.
  • You want to identify and capture high quality keywords physicians in your area may have missed.
  • Your copy should be succinct and push for click-throughs
  • You MUST have a way to track results (preferably with split testing) so you can nix what isn't working  and perfect what is.
  • Your landing page needs to be exactly what the perspective patient was searching for, and instruct them how to take the next step. This will help your Quality Score.
  • Don't forget tablets and smart phones. Many users will be accessing your media via these devices. Caretransitions.com offers an intriguing reason why you should add a "call now" button for mobile device users.
Believe it or not, that is just the beginning. A top-notch PPC campaign requires in-depth knowledge of all the relevant tools and trends as well as a flare for writing great copy. Keep reading for more important tips! 

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