Monday, March 25, 2013

Don't Let Your Patients Turn to Dr. Google

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A study by MedTera shows that patients leave their doctor's office hungry for more information. Perhaps they don't want to bother their physician with questions they think of as trivial. Perhaps the questions simply hit them later. In any case patients are going online to fill the gaps and unfortunately those gaps are often filled by big pharma companies. And needless to say those companies aren't aiming for unbiased reporting.

The survey shows that in addition to information about their particular treatments, patients are looking for broad topic information such the importance of following up with their physician after tests and lifestyle changes needed to manage a disease.

By being savvy about online medical marketing doctors can provide legitimate unbiased information to current and potential patients. Patients are going to search online anyway. Why let Dr. Google take the credit? Get patients to your site and give them the education they are actively seeking.

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