Tuesday, March 26, 2013

SEO Tips for Doctors: Part Four

Photo Credit: Technorati.com
This edition of Strategic SEO for Doctors focuses on the ways Google gives preferential treatment to users who are loyal to its brand. We are not talking about Googling yourself only to find out that a Hungarian opera singer with same name is more famous than your are. We are talking about Google's +1 system and how it can have a positive effect on your branding and social media efforts.

Google+ is Making Moves

In an earlier post we talked about the importance of social signals. Google loves its own unique signal. When people give your content a +1 Google uses that information to update their algorithms. It may be algorithmic nepotism but Google+ is aiming to be the next big thing in social media. Current top dog, FaceBook is giving them a helping hand by charging busninesses (medical practices included) substantial fees to have posts show up in news feeds of people who have already "liked" their company page.
A FaceBook presence is still important of course, but Google+ needs to be a part of the equation. Not only is Google+ free (for now) they also reward active participants with higher search rankings.
Let Patients Know Where to Find You
As the undisputed #1 search engine Google has a lot of influence in determining what prospective patients will see when they search for a doctor in their area. By setting your geographic location in your Google+ profile the algorithms can use that data when computing which results to show local users. Taking advantage of geography enables you to cast a wider net. Users will find you without having to type an ultra-specific search term like "podiatrist in Austin." And having a higher overall page rank will give you the opportunity to reach non-regional patients who are willing to travel in order to receive the best care available.
To learn more about why Google+ is a prescription for success see what Katie Matlack has to say about medical social media. And then get yourself Google+ updated or have us do it for you!

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